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作者:管理员    发布于:2013/3/14 15:37:12    文字:【】【】【

据路透社和劳埃德日报报道,阳明正打算从西斯班租赁10艘载重量达14000TEU的新船。路透社援引阳明发言人Windsor Huang 的话说,该协议预计将于本月晚些时候签署。得益于西斯班和现代的发明设计,由现代重工建造的这些船舶将能提高燃油效率。这些船舶将会投用到亚欧航线上。该协议最初只涉及五艘船舶的建造和租赁,同时又承租另外五艘船舶。American Shipper 透露,这几艘船舶预计耗资约达1.1亿美元。每日租金约为46000美元至48000美元。劳埃德日报报道,阳明现如今手中最大船舶运力是8200TEUs

据研究机构Alphaliner透露,阳明拥有世界第十四大集装箱船队,共83艘船舶,运 358510 TEUs。台湾阳明海运拥有船舶49艘,运力达230271TEUs 。有34艘运力达128239 TEUs的租用船可供出租。

Yang Ming, Seaspan in deal for up to 10 ships

Friday, January 04, 2013

Yang Ming is planning to charter up to 10 new 14,000-TEU containerships from Seaspan, according to reports published both by Reuters and Lloyd's List.Reuters quoted Yang Ming spokesman Windsor Huang as saying a deal is expected to be signed later this month.The ships, to be built by Hyundai Heavy Industries, will have a fuel efficient design created by Seaspan and Hyundai, and are expected to be used in the Asia-Europe trade.The deal will initially involve construction and charter of five ships with an option for another five vessels.American Shipper was told the vessels are expected to cost around $110 million and be chartered for around $46,000-$48,000 per day. According to Lloyd's List, the largest ships Yang Ming operates today have a capacity of 8,200 TEUs.The research firm Alphaliner said Yang Ming has the world's 14th largest container ship fleet, 83 vessels with 358,510 TEUs of capacity. it said the Taiwanese carrier owns 49 ships with 230,271 TEUs of capacity and 34 chartered ships of 128,239 TEUs on charter.

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