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China needs 100 LNGCs by 2020
   Date:2013/5/27 9:27:26   

In 2012, China imported a total of around 14.68m tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and is expected to see its imports to double the amount over the next five years, furthermore, the imports are likely to reach 60m-100m tons by 2020. In order to meet up with shipping needs led by such LNG demand, China is suggested to expand its LNGC tonnage from the current six to 20-25 units and after 2020, 60-100 LNG carriers will be needed.

This prospect was suggested at “Chinese Offshore Service and LNG Storage, Transporting Technology Development Forum” held on May 9-10 in Tianjin, China, where executives, researchers and design experts participated from shipping and shipbuilding companies in offshore sector both within and outside China to change analysis and opinions relating to China’s situation in LNG supply and demand, LNG imports and tonnage volume needed for them.

When comes 2020, China’s oil and gas consumption is anticipated to reach 635m tons, 450bn m³, each, from 400-560m tons and 146.5bn m³ seen in 2012. Still depending highly on imports for such energy sources, oil and LNG transportation will continue to grow among countries.

Yan Weiping, general manager at China LNG Shipping (Holdings) Limited said that 20 number of LNG import terminals will begin operations from 2020. Through them, China will import around 60m-100m tons of LNG annually and 60 to 100 LNG carriers are expected to be needed for shipping.

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